Drifting as Changemaker

Drifting as

We invite you to a workshop that will support you in unlocking your multiple intelligences with our long-standing cooperation partner Martin Kalungu-Banda, Visiting Fellow at Oxford's Said Business School, Senior Faculty of the Presencing Institute and Co-founder of the Ubuntu. Lab Institute.

When Head, Heart and Hand are in harmony, we ignite our natural capacity to go beyond conventional thinking. Come and learn how new ways of thinking, being and acting can enhance your  performance, quality decision-making, agility and creativity in turbulent times.

Surfing to Future –
planned for autumn 2025 (3 days)

Drifting as Changemaker

Wer Sie begleitet:

Mag. André Burtscher
PhD Martin Kalungu-Banda

Mi 01.01. - Mi 01.01.25

Alpenhotel Montafon, Schruns

Euro 2250,-- excl. VAT, hotel costs and catering not included



Unser Weg



Short and to the point